If you notice white spots on the surface of your teeth, you might worry about this discoloration hurting the look of your smile. But these spots could also point to a larger oral health concern impacting your teeth.
Schedule a consult with your dentist if you see this issue in your smile. You could be suffering from major structural damage in your teeth called hypocalcification. Learn more about this dental concern and how you can resolve it with help from your dentist.
Defining Hypocalcification
Hypocalcification refers to a condition in the teeth where calcium has eroded or deteriorated in the tooth’s enamel. The enamel, the outer layer of the tooth, consists mainly of calcium. So its depletion points to a major weakening of the tooth.
If enamel is not strong, it cannot resist plaque or other dental dangers eating away at the teeth. This may heighten your risk for cavities, oral infections, and more.
The thin parts of the teeth can manifest in white spots. These will not go away with your normal oral hygiene routine as these are not surface stains. Enamel cannot regrow on its own, so you will need to visit your dentist to restore the look and health of your teeth.
Restoring Dental Appearances with Your Dentist
Your enamel will not regenerate, but if your teeth require more support, a dentist can use restorative treatments to protect your smile and rebuild the dental structure. Your dentist can also strengthen the remaining enamel using fluoride treatment.
They can apply a fluoride gel, paste, or rinse to the teeth where it will absorb into the enamel. Fluoride strengthens the tooth and makes it better able to resist damage from stains and plaque. The dentist may also suggest using toothpaste or mouthwash at home that contain fluoride for further fortification.
These efforts may not address the chalky or creamy white spots from hypocalcification though. Your dentist may suggest cosmetic treatments like tooth bonding or porcelain veneers to cover the stains and give you a more even and gorgeous tooth color.
Preventing White Spots Forming on Teeth
Sometimes calcium loss occurs due to genetics or other factors outside of a patient’s control. But your enamel may also weaken due to poor oral habits like lax oral hygiene or eating acidic foods.
You can reduce the amount of sugary or citrusy foods you eat and drink to prevent erosion of your tooth enamel. You should also continue practicing good oral hygiene so that you can remove plaque in a timely fashion before it hurts your dental health.
This entails flossing daily and brushing your teeth twice each day. Using products with fluoride may also boost the strength of your smile. Consult with your dentist to learn which at-home items will work best for your unique smile. They can also help you come up with a targeted dental care plan when you call or visit your dentist.